Current Sermon

Jesus Will Judge the World

Kurt Obermeyer, April 28, 2024

In today's sermon, we delve into the book of Jude, particularly focusing on verses 14 to 16, where we explore the theme of defending our faith against false teachings. We are encouraged to steadfastly cling to God's promises and remain vigilant against deceit, echoing challenges that believers have faced throughout history.

We are reminded that a core message here is divine judgment. It is stressed that Jesus will judge the world, specifically targeting those who engage in ungodly acts and speak against Him. A special focus is placed on false teachers who manipulate religious teachings for their personal gain.

The sermon also discusses the integrity of scriptures, emphasizing the importance of adhering to canonical texts and recognizing the authority they hold. We are prompted to evaluate texts critically and ensure they align with scriptural truth.

The call to action for us is to stay alert against misleading doctrines and to live lives of faith and righteousness, eagerly anticipating Christ's second coming. The biblical prophecies discussed serve to affirm the certainty of God's judgment and inspire hope in the ultimate triumph of God's plan.

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